Photo of Natasha Pilipo Spain
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Exhibitions carried out

  • 2020, Casa Cultura, Polop, Spain
  • 2019, 2019: Fundacion Frax, Albir, Espana
  • 2018, Art Tolox,Tolox,Andalucia,Spain
  • 2017, Nidart Gallery, Mazatlan, Mexico
  • 2016, Festival of Happiness, Movie project "Viviendo Mexico", Mexico City
  • 2016, Museo Arquelogico de Mazatlan, Mexico
  • 2015, Museo de Arte, Mazatlan, Mexico
  • 2014, Look Gallery, Mazatlan, Mexico
  • 2013, International House, Mexico City, Mexico
  • 2012, Al Mondo Galleria D’Arte, Trieste, Italy
  • 2011, Tir, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • 2010, Gallery Sloart, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
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10.24 x 10.24 in
10.24 x 10.24 in
10.24 x 10.24 in
10.24 x 10.24 in
17.72 x 11.81 in

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Natasha Pilipo studied Philosophy at University in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her love affair with still and moving pictures has started 30 years ago when she has acquired her first camera and it has never stopped since.Natasha was involved in huge variety of activities behind camera as freelance artist, commissioned photographer and producer. 

Later exhibition activities: 

2019: Fundacion Frax, Albir, Espana 

2018: Museo de Arte, Tolox, Espana

2018: Art Tolox, Espana

2017: Nidart Gallery, Mazatlan, Mexico

2016: Festival of Happiness, Movie project "Viviendo Mexico", Mexico City

2016: Museo Arquelogico de Mazatlan, Mexico

2015: Museo de Arte, Mazatlan, Mexico

2014: Look Gallery, Mazatlan, Mexico

2013: International House, Mexico City, Mexico

2012: Al Mondo Galleria D’Arte, Trieste, Italy

2011: Tir, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

2010: Gallery Sloart, Ljubljana, Slovenia


3D Cubes are mixed media concept created by Natasha Pilipo. They take elements of sculpture, photography, painting, collage and mosaic and join them together in a completely innovative art form. All of these individual elements stop being what they were before and start working together as new and unified concept. It is in a way reflection of our time and place where we live, fast moving high-tech world where many borders fade out and we and our surroundings keep on changing. 

Photos are printed on canvas, precisely cut and assembled on wooden cubes. They are attached on backboards afterwards. All together is painted over and later retouched.

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